All About Skills
July 18, 2023
3-4 minutes

Re-skilling and upskilling strategies within companies

Alexandre Béliard


1. Introduction 
1.1 Upskilling
1.2 Reskilling  
1.3 Their importance

2. Steps to successful implementation

1. Introduction

1.1 Upskilling

Upskilling is a trend in the workplace that facilitates lifelong learning by offering training programs and development opportunities. In this way, an employee can specialize in his or her sector by developing vertically.

1.2 Re-skilling

Re-skilling refers to the process of learning new skills needed to do an entirely different job. This can involve employees who decide to change career paths, or who simply wish to take an interest in a new sector - in other words, 'horizontal' development.

1.3 Their importance

Upskilling and reskilling strategies have many advantages for companies that decide to implement them. For example, they avoid the need to recruit talent from outside the company, which can be both costly and time-consuming. What's more, they motivate employees, helping them to develop. This is particularly important today during the Great Resignation, when employees feel abandoned by their employers. What's more, with the advent of new technologies, the need for new talent is developing very rapidly.

For this reason, it becomes complicated for many employees to keep up to date with the skills required. In fact, the Gartner study indicates that 33% of the skills required by an average job offer in 2017 are no longer needed in 2021. For this reason, the World Economic Forum claims that more than 40% of the world's workers will need to be retrained by 2025.It's clear, then, that implementing a reskilling or upskilling strategy is inevitable for companies that want to remain competitive, with high employee retention. Here are 5 tips to facilitate the integration of such strategies:

1.3.1 Finding the skills of the future

It's vital to understand labor market trends, anticipating which skills will become redundant, and which will be in demand. To do this, it's important to keep a close eye on competitors' job offers. Another way of doing this is by implementing an internal Talent Marketplace platform, which will analyze the company's skills. The AI will then propose those that will be in high demand on the job market, enabling the Talent to be recruited, at a relatively low price.

1.3.2 Noticing agile employees with adaptable skills

A second important thing to facilitate the implementation of an 'upskilling' and 'reskilling' strategy is to identify employees with the most cross-functional skills. When they take part in upskilling and reskilling strategies, they will show the rest of the team that it's not something too complicated, and that they're all capable of doing it. In addition to setting an example, they will become a fundamental pillar in the transition period, guiding the rest of the team.

1.3.3 Motivating employees who decide to take this path

Taking part in a reskilling and upskilling strategy is something that can seem complicated to many individuals, especially older ones. It is therefore important to motivate employees to take part in this talent evolution. Whether it's in terms of flexible working hours, financial rewards, or whatever, going through the motions is important. However, one major problem remains: how do you help older employees to 'reskill'? This is indeed something that can be problematic, as the latter have not only not grown up in a dynamic environment, but have also for the most part evolved in the same 'career path', making their ability to change jobs weak.  Retraining mid-career workers is an essential aspect of helping companies and communities achieve more inclusive growth," says Anna Navratil, McKinsey's 'Giving Back' practice leader.

This is increasingly alarming when we see a UN study (2011,6,448-9) which tells us that the rate of workers over 55 will rise from 12% (2011) to 48% in 2050. In order to help with retraining and support in these periods of reskilling, we first need to establish a culture of "accompaniment". This means reassuring the older population that they have support and that they will achieve their goals. s Next, we need to be able to offer a range of training formats. Whether visual through physical games or on the computer, or vocal with explanations, it's important to have a diversity of methodologies. Finally, we need to try and separate these more senile people in their workplaces, so that they are surrounded by young people.

1.3.4 Offering training

Once the necessary skills have been identified, and certain agile employees have shown themselves to be motivated, it is important to present clear and precise training courses for these employees. Many different styles of training exist, especially over the last few years, when everything began to be digitized. Aside from the difference in format between face-to-face and distance learning, there is an important difference in the function of these training courses. Firstly, there is 'certifying' training, which offers a diploma validating the mastery of a knowledge or qualification. Then there is 'Validation des Acquis de l'Expérience' training, which rewards experience and enables it to be used in another professional context. Finally, there is 'vocational' training, which is nowadays the one preferred by employees, since it's the one that validates a period of 'upskilling' and 'reskilling', thus marking an evolution in a career path.

1.3.5 Ensuring a smooth internal transition

Despite the undeniable advantages of upskilling and reskilling, it remains necessary to replace the individual who leaves his or her position to find another one. This can take time, and may even have more serious consequences. Thus, care must be taken to ensure that the transition is smooth and that the position that was held is not abandoned overnight (see Table 1 below to see the recommended breakdown)

1.3.6 Partnering with schools - offering 'apprenticeships'

Creating partnerships with schools can be something very beneficial as part of a reskilling strategy. Indeed, it is possible to offer an employee the opportunity to pursue training at a school, so that he or she can then return with more knowledge. On the one hand, the employee will feel included, motivated, and will clearly see that his or her personal development is an important issue for the company, thus reinforcing his or her loyalty, a worthless asset today. In an increasingly fast-paced world, where skills are multiplying exponentially, it is inevitable that upskilling and reskilling strategies will become a necessity for a company's survival.

Written by
Alexandre Béliard
Digital Marketer

Professionnel du marketing numérique axé sur les résultats et doté d'une solide expérience entrepreneuriale, mettant à profit son expertise pour mener des campagnes réussies et assurer la croissance de l'entreprise.

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