Strategic Workforce Planning
July 18, 2023
3-4 minutes

Quiet Quitting - the next virus

Alexandre Béliard


1. Background

2. The virus
2.1 Where does it come from?
2.2 What are the dangers?

3. Which approach
3.1 Compensation doesn't work
3.2 Recognition

1. Background

"Go the extra mile, it's never crowded", says an American idiom. The latter means that very few people are prepared to do the extra work - the little extra that puts the icing on the cake.

Recently, this has become even more true, with the rise of quiet quitting, a movement that encourages employees to do the 'union minimum', and simply do what they're asked to do.

Quiet quitting is defined as an application of work-to-rule, in which employees work defined hours and engage only in activities during those hours.

Some see this as a problem, others not at all.

Here are the two points of view:‍‍

- Managers see a drop in motivation and therefore results from their Talents. They don't expect them to do just what's asked, but more.‍‍

- Talents, who wonder:

A. "Do we really have to do more than is asked of us to say we've done the job well?

B. "I do the maximum - I do what you ask of me

"‍From these points of view, a problem emerges - who's right? The answer depends on your requirements, your company's values, and your working methods - in some cases (1) will be right and in others it will be opinion (2)

2. The virus 

2.1 Its origins

Understanding the origins of this movement is important if we are to do something about it.Burnout is a major workplace risk, particularly among young Generation Z professionals in their twenties, according to research. A Microsoft survey of 30,000 workers found that 54% of Generation Z workers are considering leaving their jobs.

In its Global Risks Report 2021, the World Economic Forum ranks "youth disillusionment" as the eighth of 10 immediate risks. Findings include a deterioration in mental health since the start of the pandemic, leaving 80% of young people worldwide vulnerable to depression, anxiety and disappointment.
Even more egregious, a recent study shows that engagement among European workers is just 14%!"

2.2 Its dangers:

The dangers are numerous and include a shortage of Talent, high TurnOver within a company, and therefore a drop in performance and results.This is particularly flagrant when we want the cost of TurnOver of your employees to take up an average of 115% of their annual salary, and is today estimated at 23% of total employees, Hay Group study. Worse still, an article in 'la super agence' goes so far as to say that "Internationally, the famous war for talent has reached an unprecedented level: 40% of recruiters say they are having difficulty recruiting.

3.To combat this virus, which approach to take

3.1 Compensation doesn't work In many companies

Money is the most frequently used motivating factor, while much research shows that financial incentives are a poor choice for changing Talent behavior. The (HBR) study reveals that monetary rewards or incentives only produce short-term, temporary compliance. Of course, money is important for people to pay their bills and provide for their families - but once these basic needs are met, the psychological benefits of money are questionable. There is little correlation between pay levels and job satisfaction.

3.2 Recognition

Primarily to understand their suffering, but also to grow in their sense of importance. Even if the problem cannot be solved immediately, employees will feel listened to and will be grateful for this listening. People's working lives are greatly enriched when they feel they are making progress in meaningful work. When organizations give people meaning, it helps to build a healthy and effective organization. Numerous studies have shown that by giving people meaning and ownership of their work, they are more committed to doing it.If you want to improve employee engagement, the answer is to really spend time understanding what employees really value, and recognize your team as contributing members of a winning team. People are driven to work harder when they can align themselves with the company's mission and when their manager shows appreciation for their work. As a manager, establish a personal bond and a relationship of trust with your employees. In other words, "Count on care to avoid quit "Put this saying into practice, and you'll see - the virus will disappear very quickly.

Written by
Alexandre Béliard
Digital Marketer

Professionnel du marketing numérique axé sur les résultats et doté d'une solide expérience entrepreneuriale, mettant à profit son expertise pour mener des campagnes réussies et assurer la croissance de l'entreprise.

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